For nearly 40 years, Heart Niagara has been committed to delivering community-based health services, public education and health promotion. Last year, Heart Niagara saw over 20,000 people in Niagara through the Healthy Heart Schools' Program, CPR/AED and First Aid Training, Diagnostic Services including Holter and Loops Monitors, Echo sonography and Stress Tests, Smoke Cessation Counselling, HDL services and corporate wellness initiatives. To continue Heart Niagara's mission of providing children and adults with the education, training and tools necessary to take control of their heart ...

4635B Queen Street, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 2L7

Recommended provider of WSIB required First Aid, CPR & AED training courses. First Aid kits, AED’s and related equipment available for sale. Mental Health & Wellness for the Workplace, Babysitting Basics, Home Alone and a large variety of other public and private classes available. classes offered monthly. Revenue generated supports Niagara Region Therapy Dog services, Car Seat Education Events, and Medical First Responder coverage for community events.

219 Church St, St. Catharines, ON L2R 3E8