About Us
For nearly 40 years, Heart Niagara has been committed to delivering community-based health services, public education and health promotion.
Last year, Heart Niagara saw over 20,000 people in Niagara through the Healthy Heart Schools' Program, CPR/AED and First Aid Training, Diagnostic Services including Holter and Loops Monitors, Echo sonography and Stress Tests, Smoke Cessation Counselling, HDL services and corporate wellness initiatives.
To continue Heart Niagara's mission of providing children and adults with the education, training and tools necessary to take control of their heart health, we have developed several complementary programs.
In October 2015, Heart Niagara launched an age and ability friendly innovative strength training program called, HeartCORE. Membership has steadily increased due to its unique high-intensity, low-frequency weight training that takes only minutes per week to complete.
With Heart Niagara's tremendous growth and success in program delivery, board members recently announced the organization's relocation. "It's in the best interest of donors, funders and our community that Heart Niagara relocate to space in the heart of our community," explained Heart Niagara's Executive Director, Karen Stearne.