Samantha Frazer, Owner and Senior Health and Safety Consultant has built her dream, on a tragedy that affected the community of Niagara, specifically those in Welland, Ontario.
In 2009, Samantha’s father died at work, in a workplace accident, causing a ripple to the the community of Niagara and her family.
It is her wish to ensure that her team of skilled professionals are skilled health and safety ambassadors, who will work towards making Ontario safer place to work.
Helping local community companies, change the way they think of health and safety is her mission.
Samantha and her fellow consultants, find joy in changing the health and safety dynamics and navigate the web of liabilities and requirements with their clients.
With the help of the WSIB Health and Safety Excellence Program, this is funding the way to change, for even those companies who think.. I don’t have the time or money for safety.