About Us
Community health centres provide an integrated approach to primary health care, health promotion, and community development services for people who face barriers accessing primary health care and the broader health care system. Individual health centres have a significant role in providing essential services in their respective communities, often becoming the main delivery mechanism for core community-based health services. In addition to primary care, the model provides health promotion, illness prevention, community capacity building and service integration. The health promotion and illness prevention services focus on addressing and raising awareness of the broader determinants of health such as employment, housing, social support, education, environment, isolation and poverty. Many CHCs also provide community services that complement their mandate (e.g. youth drop-in programs, early years services, pre- and post-natal programs and family support services). CHCs are non-profit, charitable organizations managed by incorporated boards made up of members of the community in which they are located. Multidisciplinary staff teams may include physicians, nurse practitioners, dieticians, health promoters, counsellors/social workers and others. All are salaried employees of the CHC.